
Review: ProMinent at IFAT 2014 - READY! Wherever and Whenever

June 2014

IFAT 2014 breaks all records. At the end of the five-day event, Harald Jarc, Sales Manager at ProMinent Deutschland GmbH, was overwhelmed: "This year's IFAT far exceeded our expectations," and adds: "As a global solutions provider for metering technology and water treatment, we were very pleased with the high level of internationality and the excellent visitor numbers."

ProMinent's motto at this year's IFAT was "Ready! Wherever and whenever."

The Heidelberg-based company's experts in metering and water treatment components and systems showcased their wealth of knowledge in all processes relating to potable and waste water treatment. They presented components and systems that combine to create economical and sustainable complete solutions for the treatment and disinfection of potable and waste water. Customers benefit from innovative, non-technology-dependent systems that combine safety and low environmental impact with efficiency and sustainability.

Sales manager Jarc adds: "The high level of interest, the quality of the discussions we had and the contacts we made during this key industry event confirmed that we enjoy global customer confidence. A confidence based on the expertise of our team. They offer completely technology-independent advice. Our field service and customer service specialists are always available to provide support to our customer and can be on your premises quickly when necessary." He concludes: "Not just across Germany, but worldwide thanks to our international presence. We're always: Ready! Wherever and whenever."

Interactive Exhibition Stand

If you didn't get the chance to visit our stand at IFAT 2014, or if you would like another chance to see the products and find out more about them:

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Contact us

Wesley Sutton

Managing Director, ProMinent Fluid Controls UK Ltd.

»We are there for you, whenever you need us. Just get in touch. «

+44 1530 560 555  Send request   

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